Okzzzzzzzzz.......nvr blog for very long time, sry if u all r wondering y, cuz im busy DotAing.........kindoff a problem now cuz i wan plae, but like dunnoe wad to plae, hahaz...............................................Then, i dunnoe y, but im changing literally.............my character especially, lolx.... i juz dunnoe y ...............................ARGH!!!!!!!!!! Plz, if any of ur can help me, i wouldn't mind, but juz dun come at da wrong time.........................Im not stress bout 'o's or prelims or wadsoeva, im juz bloody stressed, why cant sum people be more mordern thinking???????? Why do people dun trust me these daes?????? Why???????? Why m i askin so many questions?!?!?!?!?!?!
Music played at 7:20 AM